Ruling Planet- Venus
Archetype- The Scales
Element- Air
Modality- Cardinal
Crystals- Diamond, White Sapphire, Rose Quartz
Essential oils- Rose, Marigold
Colors- White, Pink, Multi-color, Sparkle
Flower- Rose, Marigold
Power Phrase- I balance.
Theme- Partnership
The season of Libra is always a welcome one as it comes in the magical mystical month of October where the unexpected magic can be expected. Libra, ruled by Venus symbolizes beauty, love and relationships. The air element of Libra helps you to think and communicate in your relationships and partnerships. Make some sound judgement in respect with partnerships. Marriage is also a topic much discussed about in this season. Take the leap of faith, take the plunge with the one who supports the divine masculine or divine feminine in you by helping you thrive in your higher vibration. Do get rid of all the toxic partnerships in your life as well.
Create balance in your life. Libra is the sign of balance and fairness. Represented by the Scales, Libra is all about finding the equilibrium and making a fair decision or judgement. All facets of life need to be balanced so that one can live in harmony without any chaos. Thus, libra creates a perfect world to live and love in. But there is nothing perfect in this world so we can say that one’s own kind of paradise can be built in the libra season. The Libra qualities are activated in you. Goddess Aphrodite is up and awake to shower you with enough beauty and light to create your paradise.
In this wellness season of Libra, it’s important to let the harmony between you and others flow. Balance out yin and yang. If the dynamics between you and your partner is imbalanced, straighten it out. Address and reset. Give and receive. A little tact and diplomacy can help too but not so much that the authenticity is lost. The relationship portal is open for you. It is the season of love. Love is blossoming everywhere. Romance is blooming. And there is no need for any forced interactions. What flows, flows. Let others go. The relationship that supports you live in harmony, bliss and peace is the one for you. It flows peacefully cooperatively between two individuals without any strain. Refrain from being too idealist or self-indulgent.
Affirmations for this season
· I balance all aspects of my life with ease, flow and grace.
· I partner with the one who brings out the best in me.
· I love with an open heart.
· I create my life a beautiful paradise with the support of the Universe.
· I manifest the life I dream of.
· I embrace myself as I am completely.
Rituals for everyone to embrace this Libra Season
· Prioritize your wellness and self- care rituals.
· Get rid of all the junk in your home for new treasures to arrive and take space.
· Initiate open-hearted conversations with loved ones.
· Balance your heart chakra an open your heart for a possible new relationship.
· Engage in activities to bring peace and harmony in your life.
· Use scented candles in your sacred space.
· Engage in artistic activities like painting.
· Create a list of heartfelt relationships in your life.
· Prioritize quality-time with these people with whom you bond with deeply.
· Honor your sentiments and write a journal.
· Release anything and everything in your life that is holding you back from being more emotionally open and vulnerable in relationships.
· Negotiate with your partner about the points or topics you both were previously not able to agree upon.
· Let go of old thinking patterns.
· Attract and engage in authentic relationships.
· Mediate with roses or rose quartz.
· Plant marigolds and roses and work with flowers, herbs and spices that helps you connect deeper and be more in-tuned with nature.
Guidance for all signs
Aries – The focus is on partnership Aries. Contemplate and reevaluate agreements of your partnership whether business or personal. Negotiate with your partner to come up to a fairer agreement. Celebrate love with your partner. Plan a romantic outing or travel together. Be more emotionally vulnerable with your partner to get more intimate and connect on a deeper level. If you are single, release outdated dating patterns or ideas on pursuit of love. Balance your heart chakra to let your heart be open give and receive love. However, break ups are also possible with the ones who you no longer connect with the way you did before. It is also imminent to let go those who don’t meet your needs anymore or vice versa.
Taurus – Focus on your health and well-being. Nourishment is the key. Incorporate more healthy ways of being in your routine. Make nature walks, yoga or exercises part of your daily routine. The idea is to follow up regularly. Keep a check on your debts as well. Do not over-indulge in shopping. Keep a check on your investments. Also, be mindful of your habit and let go of patterns where you pay more attention to materialism and superficial aspects of life. Meditate regularly to think deeper and understand the deeper meaning of life. Work and let go of fears that keep you stuck in a loop and hold you back from forming more intimate connections in life. Also, give respect to elders and take blessings from them. Be of service.
Gemini – This season you have to focus on your knowledge and creativity. Join some classes to upscale or update your knowledge if you must. Participate in group discussions about topics that interest you. Focus on your mental pursuits. Ans also, let your creativity flow. Work with groups or people you connect with. Make time for play as well. Indulge in your favorite games and sports. Reconnect with your play pals. This is also a good time for romance. Spend some quality time with your partner. Go to the theatres. Watch some good drama. Contemplate on how you can make your bond better by getting rid of what no longer works for you in your love life.
Cancer – The focus is on home life and family dynamics. A move or renovation is on the cards. Or there could be changes you bring in your home setting. You will also get closer with people who feel like home to you. You are redefining your sense of home and security and connecting with people with whom you feel naturally safe and secure. Also work on communicating with people to understand what does and doesn’t work for you. Get clarity to get peace of mind. Avoiding conflict will not lead to ultimate bliss so face it head on and resolve it to move ahead in your life. You focus on your roots and ancestry to understand your foundation and what makes you, You. It may also make you revisit your past and go down the memory lane to remember things as they exactly were. This will help you make some important decisions for yourself.
Leo – This season focus on molding your mindset into what is relevant and beneficial for you now. Rewrite the narrative that leads your life that will facilitate your transformation. Tune into your local environment through your senses. Get yourself inspired for you are upon your career enhancement. Be willing to walk the extra mile as you find and reconnect with your strength and courage and be willing to listen to what other people have to say which might bring unexpected opportunities for you. This is also an auspicious time to start the podcast, or you tube channel you have been thinking about as you are now ready to express yourself. The signal is green, go ahead and start the creative project. Move a step ahead in making your wishes and dreams come true!
Virgo – Virgo, this season you are collecting up pieces of your qualities and life to shape up your self-worth. You realize you have more up your sleeves than you were worried about. So do not undervalue yourself. You have attracted enough abundance, and you will attract more abundance to keep your resources flowing as it is inevitable. You might want to restructure your finance but the good news is you will be ushered with new work opportunities. Apart from finance, resources and self-worth, the focus is also on family and food. Make sure to eat well, eat healthy and more nutritious food. Take out time and connect with your family on a daily basis to feel the support you receive from them. You are supported and valued. Make sure that you know this extremely well.
Highlight Sign:
Libra –

This is your time to rise and shine. A reset is happening for you. You are investing in your own rebirth. You are rebuilding so you must let go of everything that is holding you back from moving forward in the journey of your life. Consider each and every little and big decision you make that will ultimately shape up your life. The focus must be on your own well-being and your soul purpose. When your cup will be full, you will be able to easily share with another or with the world. Libra is all about relationships, partnerships, social grace and maintaining every aspect of life with grace, balance and confidence. Your personal breakthrough is here Libra. You have done some intense soul searching. Your outlook on life is shaped. And now it is your time to thrive. Make sure you keep moving forward. A beautiful twelve-month cycle is waiting for you. Make your dreams come to fruition step by step. Be clear on your desires, work on them and keep moving forward. Update your wardrobe. It’s the first month of your entire solar cycle. There is nothing stopping you. The Sun and Universe are blessing you. Be open to receive all abundance and pay gratitude for myriads of blessings coming your way.
Scorpio – Focus on your spiritual journey as your solar return is nearly upon you. Focus on the things you do not wish to bring into the next solar circle of your life. You are in your hermit mode so get clarity and make efforts for the version of yourself that you do wish to see very soon. This is the last month of your current solar cycle. So certain endings are also imminent for you. It could also be death of certain habits and patterns that no longer work for you. New beginnings are also around the corner. But make sure you get plenty of time to rest and rejuvenate. You could also opt for a retreat mode for meditation and contemplation. Also, focus on your dreams. You might get some clues as to what is coming next in your life through your night-time dreams. Your imagination is also pretty active so try to make productive use of it.
Sagittarius – Sagittarius, this season your focus is on your long-term wishes, dreams and desires. You are going to run into opportunities that are going to be beneficial for you and help you manifest your dreams. Team up with like-mined people to build a strong network. Together you all can achieve much more. Get rid of associations with whom there is a lack of understanding or camaraderie. And make more time for connections who bring out the best in you and support you and push you to achieve higher goals in life. Go out and socialize with the people to find new fulfilling connections as well. Share your optimism with the world.
Capricorn – This season the focus is on your life purpose, work environment and public life. Pay attention to your intuition and answer to your calling. Make efforts to fulfill your life purpose. Release all the ideas and patterns that no longer work for you. Outdated beliefs that have kept you stuck before in moving forward in your life-journey should also be released. Make changes to your work-environment to what suits you best and what supports you in creating and crafting your work. You are unique and so are your ideas so work on them without thinking what the world is doing. Get rid of self-limiting beliefs. Focus on your own unique journey and support yourself. The world is ready to see your gifts. But are you? Make a structured routine to work daily in a way where your creativity flows and but you also get plenty rest to not let yourself drain out.
Aquarius – Wisdom, higher learning and long-distance travel are the focus for you this season. You can go for PhD or some advanced course degree if you are in that’s stage of your life and it’s on your list. You might even think of travelling for education or higher learning or simple travelling to accumulate wisdom. And as you integrate the wisdom in your being in the next stage of your life you would be sharing that with the world. It is the good-time to find your expertise area and work on it. It is also a possibility that you connect with a Guru figure or spiritual mentor who can guide you on your life-path and help you shape up your belief system. Get rid of thought patterns that no longer resonates with you and are no longer a part of your faith.
Pisces – This season the focus is completely on your transformation Pisces. Push yourself to take challenges that help you to transform and evolve. Do no keep stuck in the same spiral of life by hiding into your shell. Move out of your comfort zone. The key to success right now lies in your ability to take challenges head on and making a move from the safe harbor. Opportunities will be present for you if only you keep your mind open and get rid of outdated thinking patterns and mindset. Get to the root of your fears and work through them to move out of your shell. Once you do, you will only attract abundance. Invest and indulge in some spiritual guidance, self-help books and alternative healing therapies. Let yourself be vulnerable so that you open up more and eventually understand yourself and your needs in a deeper manner.
Love and light to you all. Let your light shine this season!