New Moon in Cancer occurring on 18th of July 2023.
Moon has two very significant phases that affects us on a deeper level – new moon and full moon. It is because La Luna is within the gravitational field of the Earth and affects us with great intensity.
As I mentioned in my previous post on New Moon, a dynamic change in the energy is brought up by the New Moon and the sign it occurs in is usually the theme for the month. New Moon, the time when Moon is between the Earth and the Sun is a time period for creation, growth and prosperity. New moon brings us a fertile ground to plant something new that will show prosperity in the future. It is the time of new beginnings. Give birth to something that means to you. We are attuned to the Moon cycle. We can amplify the effect of our actions when we work with the cycle of the Moon.
This new moon is occurring in the sign of Cancer, the nurturer. Cancer, the sign ruled by la Luna itself is the sign of nourishment, home, family, inner joy and emotions. The New Moon in Cancer is bringing new beginnings in relationships which are especially genuine, heartfelt and emotion-based. A surge of new energy is foreseen into existing relationships. There will be joyful breakthroughs for those who have been stuck in the turmoil of dilemmas and confusion and myriad of options created by the previous new moon in Gemini. But more importantly, this is a time period for feeling stable and secure in one’s own emotions. And this would not be without some deep-seated triggers and some emotional activations that would give the perfect opportunity to heal past traumas. These past traumas may even be rooted in our ancestral heritage and lineage. And healing and discovering the nurturing gifts of our roots is one of the most warm aspects of this new moon.
We have to change the structure of life from a calcified experience to a flowing experience of growth and evolution. The New Moon in Cancer is a prominent time to let ourselves flow with the gifts endowed to us by the Universe by letting us feel everything, release what’s done it’s time and cultivate secure forms of life ways that nurtures us to move forward in life with a strong sense of security and belonging. Our focus is strongly on sense of belonging. And some of the questions that you might want to ask yourself are:
What truly nourishes me to a state of good health and overall wellbeing?
Where do I feel truly nurtured? In which environment?
Who are the people who support with my inner-child healing?
With whom do I feel truly myself in my essence?
Who/ what/ where is my home and family?
What is my safe space?
How am I connected with my roots?
When do I feel inner-happiness or truly inner-joy?
Finding answers to these question will help you to understand where you truly belong and feel safe. Secure and protected to grow limitlessly.
Cancer, the natural sign of la Luna represents Mother and motherhood. This is a good time to honour the scared expression of the mother in you and nourish the child that you are birthing whether in the form of a human or a project close to your heart. For those of you who are trying to be a mother, this is a good time to plant seeds.
Some rituals for this new moon in Cancer are:
Engage in heart-to-heart conversations with your loved ones.
Usage of herbs that help you rejuvenate like basil, chamomile, rose, etc.
Letting your inner child flow that helps you feel joy from your heart.
Revisiting childhood memories by watching your childhood shows, plays and movies.
Engage in activities that facilitate the balancing of your Heart Chakra.
Learning more about your ancestral roots and heritage to understand where do you come from?
Creating a safe space in your home where you feel you can absolutely be yourself whether it is an art corner or a sacred space in your room.
Warm baths with Himalayan salt or herbs that help you replenish.
Cooking your comfort dishes that help you feel safe and nurtured.
Honoring the mother in you by nurturing who is like a baby to you be it a project, plant or your baby sister.
Planting seeds for new projects that are close to your heart.
Cultivating new plants in your garden that will help you nourish or heal.
Letting yourself feel and release to not let stale emotions get stuck in you that give form to diseases in the long run. So as to start afresh feeling joyful, safe and secure in your own being.
Happy New Moon dearies! May this new moon support you in your being and help you feel safe, secure and protected wherever you are. Happy New beginnings to you! The slate is clean.
Love and Light,
Wellness Astrologer
Wonderful ✨️✨️
Amazing!! 💛💛🧡❤️🩷🩵