Sun is the driving force in any native's chart. The house it is placed in shows where one would like to shine the light in this lifetime and also the sign placement will show how one receives light and life as Sun is the life-force energy. All the other planets are in a way support system to the Sun.
While Sun in a specific zodiac sign is more or less same for the individuals born in that sign, however it is the unique personal chart placement of the native (according to the time of the birth) that will give the absolute image of how things are functioning in the life of the native.
Now let us look at how Sun works in different zodiac signs.
Sun in Aries - Sun in Aries shows an energetic personality. Here, the individuality is asserted in a wilful and forceful manner which at -times can antagonize the people around. Self-assertion in situations is often seen with this placement. Aries is a fiery sign ruled by Mars therefore, fire element present in the native needs to be given the right medium to burn. Pursuing physical activities actively is a good way to direct the energy for this sign. The placement of Mars, the dispositor of the sign in the personal chart of the native will give a clear picture of how the fiery energy of the native is working. Sun in Aries shows great courage for a cause one believes in. It is an action-oriented sign which maybe too forceful at times. And being too direct in expression can also hinder with progress in terms of group activities or inter-personal relationships. However, this sign excels in being a leader, more in the military sense of the term and getting things done. Sun in Aries is motivated by ever-changing visions for the future. And while the native can shine bring in being a pioneer, an objective approach is vital to succeed.
Sun in Taurus - All things earthy and pleasurable are in pursuit of this Sign. Taurus is an earthy sign and Venus is the dispositor. The bull energy is well-known to be rigid but in the more positive light, it is stable. Reluctance to change is a struggle these natives face in their lives from time-to-time. After all, It is not easy to make changes in the life journey being accustomed to and having created a solid- foundation immaculately designed for themselves and often for their loved-ones as well. Comfort and luxury are all synonyms of Taurus. It is also one of the most creative signs and has a great capacity to produce in the finest way possible. Taurus is motivated by practical needs that can be brought into life by tangible means and mediums. Senses play an important role in this sensual earth sign ruled by Venus. Taurus often excels in creating a sensually pleasing environment that will enchant all your senses but not without engaging in stylishly flourishing productive endeavours.
Sun in Gemini - The sign of the twins is associated with the duality of life. And so are these individuals- dual in nature. Their mood flickers from soft and slow vintage cinema to loud and paced stand-up comedy in a matter of minutes. The need to express themselves verbally through communication is vital as Gemini is an airy sign ruled by Mercury. One of the most changeable signs, Gemini needs to socialise on a daily basis to satisfy its deeper needs of belonging to a group or place or partnership and finding its true counter-part. Change is a need and intrinsic to Gemini’s personality traits. It is the most versatile sign of the zodiac and thrives in many different projects all at once. Even after engaging in multiple pursuits, this sign has the capacity for fun and frivolous activities in the fear that boredom may set in. Gemini is motivated by intellectual concepts and idealism comes naturally to the mind of this native with myriad of ideas and carefully picked beliefs.
Sun in Cancer- Cancer is the mother nurturer of the signs. Ruled by la luna, it is associated with all things nurturing and nourishing. Being a water element sign, it represents the flow of emotions. Sun in its better half la luna’s sign is all about taking care of the tender needs and desires. Security is one of the deepest needs of this sign and while its capable of making its close ones feel secure, the Cancer native often struggles with insecurity. Intuition is also another gift these natives are born with and so are able to connect with most people on an empathetic basis. Cancer loves to be a host and while in Cancer’s home you are not left unfed. Cancer loves to feed and the mother element in Cancer can come close to smothering if there is reluctance from the guests end. Nourishment comes naturally to this native though however the placement of the Moon will show the aspiring motives. Healing is never too far off from nourishment and Sun in cancer has an inclination towards healing practices and alternative therapies.
Sun in Leo- Sun, in its own sign Leo is all about the center-stage in life. Sun is most dramatic in Leo and a flair of extravagance can always be seen on a Sun in Leo native. However, the placement of Sun in the personal chart of the native will give the clear picture as to how extravagant this Sun in Leo is. Saturn aspects will somehow restrict or limit the dramatic flairs. These natives have a natural talent for theatre and stage and they are often seen engaging dramatically with people in off-stage scenarios as well. Right from the childhood the native is drawn by the light of the Sun and aspires to be of importance in a theatrical way. Leo, a fiery element sign is all about lights, camera, action. Leo is also a creative sign with an inclination to create a space for entertainment, drama, fun and enjoyment more like an evening in the king’s palace.
Sun in Virgo- Virgo, the sign of purity and innocence is all about the nitty gritty of the dealings of life. Virgo’s constant need for perfection is one of its non-negotiable traits especially in the early stages of life. Then like fine wine Virgo ages but not without the wisdom of the worldly world. It is one of the most down-to-earth signs and makes for some of the best counsellors taking-in the nuances that escapes the ordinary mind. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of intellect, analytics and communication, the earthy sign of Virgo excels in intellectual debates and speeches. Virgo is always on the go to be of service to others in a tangible manner where the best of Virgo can outshine in the crowd. However, the placement of Mercury in the personal chart of the native will show where the native is able to shine and mesmerize. There is an often a charming sense of humour that is seen by only the chosen audience. And the artistic produce of the native is nothing less than a spectacular vision.
Sun in Libra- Libra, the sign of charisma, charm, and diplomacy strives and thrives to balance its colourfully enchanting life. The natives born under Sun in Libra love to socialise and share bits and pieces of their carefully developed and polished traits and personalities over the years. The interpersonal skills of Libra are unmatched. However, their personal life is shared only by the trusted few who are allowed in the immaculately designed sacred spaces of Venus-ruled Libra. The air element of the sign helps in creating communication with the people and is thus the most networking sign with intellectual vitality usually ranging in a wide number of topics but mostly focusing on that which fancies them the most. Everything artistic and creative has a special place in Libra’s heart. The fanciest sign Libra will abhor pursuing anything dull and lifeless. Libra is the most poised sign of all cherishing every bit of the blessings given and pursuing its chosen goals and desires to make the world a beautiful place to live in.
Sun in Scorpio- Scorpio, the sign of upheavals and transformation thrives on life challenges that can facilitate their growth and evolution. The water element helps the sign to see through facades and notice beyond the appearances. Understanding what lies beneath the carpet is their special trait and this makes them excellent investigators. Empathy comes naturally to them and their psychic abilities are often aroused when they are vibrating on a higher level. The gifts are not without the challenges and thus the transformation of the status quo is often the centre point of all challenges. Needless to say Scorpio is one of the most intense yet powerful signs of the zodiac. The power of Mars ruled Scorpio is unmatched. However, the placement of Mars in the personal chart of the native will show where is this energy put to use and in which form. Sports is another field where Sun in Scorpio may excel especially which deals with the flow of the energy.
Sun in Sagittarius – Sagittarius, the sign of the wanderer is connected to the wisdom beyond the routine life and worldly world affairs. Sagittarius is in the search of looking to merge oneself with something higher than the self. The fire element of Sagittarius wants to ‘do’, wants to pursue attainable goals that can be manifested through action. Sagittarius is a philosophical sign but the degree will be identified by the placement of Jupiter in the personal charts. Sagittarius is the most spirited or better yet free-spirited sign of the zodiac and thus seeks liberty where others dare not. Sagittarius hates being restricted to the rules and norms of the society is most likely to walk off from a discussion that is aimed at taming the wild. Honesty is a virtue cherished by this sign as ruled by Jupiter and idealism and belief is very dear to them. The archer often distinguishes its friends and well-wishers based on the ideals and beliefs shared.
Sun in Capricorn- Capricorn, one of the most hardworking sign of the zodiac symbolising the original tenth house of Karma is ruled by the result-bearer Saturn. These souls are often wise beyond their years and can go to any extent to accomplish a task once set their mind to. There are no hindrances, no diversions for Capricorn as it is a single-focus sign. However, placement of Saturn in the personal chart of the native will show the inner workings of the sign. Discipline is the most beneficial trait of this sign and these people are often working by the clock having caring planned the entire day to fit in every little to big task to be accomplished. Power or the throne of power is often connected with this sign. Responsibility and authority are two sides of the same coin for this sign. However, for anything they achieve, the patience and perseverance they have put along the way often with a lot of self-restraint is one of the most noticeable qualities.
Sun in Aquarius – Sun in Aquarius is a very complex placement often giving very uniquely bright results if the position of Saturn in the personal chart is not very malefic. Saturn ruled Aquarius gives the native unique personality traits who is often caught up in the whirlwind of the own mind. The native is good at communication and analytics being driven by the air element of the sign and socialising comes easy to the native but only when the native is upto it. The native is found shelling off and escaping from the world every now and then to contemplate on the truth of own life and the world. Native is motivated by social ideas and discussions and usually excels in being an activist in some form or the other. Social environment stimulates the native to pursue aspirations in order to create justice for the wellbeing of the concerned community.
Sun in Pisces – Sun in Pisces is in his minister Jupiter’s sign where Jupiter is bestowing pleasant and joyful blessings of the native. Pisces being a water element sign is empathetic and intuitive however, the downside is that native often gets trapped in the own flow of emotions. Individuality is colored by the emotions of self and others and sometimes gets merged with those around the native. The native here is motivated by intense emotional yearnings and can go to lengths to manifest the urge driven by that motivation. Creativity comes naturally but in which forms depends on the placement of Jupiter in native’s personal chart. Native is often found wallowing about the injustice done by the world in different scenarios and investigating how world can be a better place. Pisces is a compassionate sign itself and any sign of malice and no compassionate is a big turn off for the native. Sun in Pisces has a diplomatic flair as well that may be well put to use in politics or activism for their ideals.
Srishti Sharma,
Wellness Vedic Astrologer