Venus Transit in Cancer
Venus, the planet of love, romance, beauty and light made a transit in the sign of Cancer from the sign of Gemini on May 30th, 2023. Usually Venus stays in one sign for around 23 days then transits to another sign. Cancer, ruled by la Luna is a sign of moodiness, waves of emotions, and sensitivity. Venus, the planet of sentiments in Cancer opens floodgates of romance and emotions highs and lows. The pursuit of love and romance is not without the nurturing quality of the motherly sign Cancer. A sensual evening is followed by a nourishing home-made dinner and self-care regime. Venus in Cancer has an emotional ring to it but is care and security of relationship promised after an exchange of emotions? Most often not as it is like a wishy-washy dream coming from rose-tinted glasses. However, one may say it is when Venus, the planet of love and sentiments comes in contact with the nurturing, nourishing, caring and security-oriented Cancer. Sun and Moon are the father and mother figures, the king and the queen of the Planetary system respectively. And as we all know, there is always a close association of the Mother with the security, the safety and feeling of home. Home, family time and nourishment are in the highlight here. This is the blanket theme for Venus in Cancer however, it will differ for all the various ascendants. Please note that given below is the generic prediction for all the ascendants and precise prediction can only be made through the personal chart of the native as every chart is unique in nature.

Effect of Venus in Cancer for all twelve ascendants
Ascendant or the Rising Sign is the first house in the personal chart of a native. It is the zodiac sign that is rising on the Eastern horizon at the time of the birth of the native and thus called rising sign. Ascendant sign is found out by the accurate date, time and place of birth of the native. If you are unaware of your ascendant sign you can find out through any astrological calculator or mail us with your DoB deatils to find out the same.
Aries Ascendant
For Aries Ascendant, Venus rules second and the seventh house and is transiting the fourth house of mother, inner happiness, home and peace. Venus is not a natural benefic planet for Aries ascendant and thus this transit in fourth house of Aries ascendant is bringing more challenges to be faced, especially on the mental health front. There are mental wobbles and worries about security and peace of mind is hampered. A lot of efforts need to be made to get the desired outcome and even that might not feel satisfactory enough. There are consistent emotional ups and downs throughout the month. However, once the challenges are willfully faced, there are likely to favorable outcomes with realizations about Self and inner-security.
Taurus Ascendant
For Taurus Ascendant, Venus is the ascendant lord as well as sixth house lord. The ascendant lord is always benefic and never malefic for any ascendant. Venus is transiting in the third house of communication, courage, short-distance travel, brothers and neighbors. Therefore, short-distance travel is on the cards while long-distance travel may be planned as Venus is aspecting the ninth house of long-distance travel. The job responsibilities may increase but through expressions of communication and creative ways of expression, a lot can be achieved. Love life will blossom and good investments made at this point can bear fruitful results in the future. Keep communication in check to avoid conflicts and arguments.
Gemini Ascendant
For the Gemini Ascendant, Venus rules fifth and twelfh house. Venus in transiting in the second house of family, family assets, family values and food. There will be rise in savings and family assets however avoid arguments concerning sentiments with family and friends like family. Hard work will pay out but the results may be in-consistent on the work front. A new mate can come into contact. Consumption of rich food or over-indulgence must be kept in check. Overall, prosperity is seen especially concerning family life.
Cancer Ascendant
For Cancer Ascendants, Venus rules fourth house and eleventh house and is transiting the first house of Self. The attraction power of the native will overall increase. Interest can be aroused about nourishment, art, creative endeavors. Relationship with elder siblings will be beneficial. There is possibility of brewing of a new romance or commitment in an existing romance. Partner will be more responsive towards the native. There will be happiness and peace of mind. Happy family and opportune time is on the cards. Favorable results are likely to be achieved.
Leo Ascendant
For Leo Ascendants, Venus is the ruler of 3rd house and 10th house and transiting the 12th house of self-undoing, recluse, spirituality, foreign, dreams and imagination. There is a possibility of change of career and opportunities from foreign land. There may be travel for work as well. New partnerships and blossoming relationships are on the cards. Creativity in connection with something higher than self is likely to flourish. Any form of new connection with foreign land or foreign elements is likely to be made.
Virgo Ascendant
For Virgo Ascendants, Venus rules 2nd house and 9th house and is transiting 11th house of gains, income, dreams, wishes and large-network circles. Old dreams are likely to resurface only to be fulfilled this time. Only desires and wishes will see fruition. There will be support from people in higher authorities and large network circles. Setting up income or earning through multiple-sources will also be possible. Blessings will be received if enough hard-work is made. Overall, it is a jovial time-period with the loved ones.
Libra Ascendant
For Libra Ascendants, Venus rules the 1st house and the 8th house while transiting the 10th house of career, karma, father, and higher authorities. Things are likely to improve at the professional front however there will be delayed profits. Do no trust anyone blindly or lend any money as it will be difficult to get back. Spend good quality time with the partner to avoid any challenges and engage in only virtuous activities. Do not take things for granted and stay alert while making any exchange or important deal.
Scorpio Ascendant
For Scorpio Ascendants, Venus rules 7th house and 12th house and is transiting in 9th house of dharma, spiritual and religious beliefs, long-distance travel, higher education and gurus. This is a benefic time-period and there is favorable result from exchange with spouse. There may be plans for holy visits and pilgrimages or any long-distance travel. Native is likely to be engaged in spiritual endeavors and pursuit of spiritual activities is likely to bear fruits. Overall, this is a fruitful prosperous time-period with fruits now to be enjoyed accumulated from consistent labor in the past.
Sagittarius Ascendant
For Sagittarius Ascendants, Venus is not a benefic planet and transit of Venus in 8th house of sudden ups and downs, upheavals and regeneration is likely to create tumultuous upheavals and any signing of new contracts and agreements must be avoided. However, a “veepreet raja yoga” which is a benefic position out of contradictory adverse placements, is being formed as the 6th lord is transiting the 8th house so challenges will be faced with ease and new opportunities may be seen coming out of adversities. And after repeated attempts and efforts success is promised.
Capricorn Ascendant
For Capricorn Ascendants, Venus is the most benefic planet ruling fifth and tenth house and transits of Venus are often very effective for these natives. Venus is transiting in seventh house of marriage, spouse and partnerships. There is positive engagement with the existing partner likely to turn towards commitment. Old challenges are likely to dissipate with the planet of love and beauty now entering the dynamics. There are opportunities of a new romance with a committed foundation or the existing romance may turn more intense and emotionally sharing and nurturing. There is all-round prosperity and success with Venus aspecting the ascendant as well. Interest in creative endeavors is promising.
Aquarius Ascendant
For Aquarius Ascendants, Venus rules 4th house and 9th house and is transiting in 6th house of health, illnesses, service, and daily routine. There may be health challenges and it will be best to avoid any form of confrontation or argument as it may look like a mole turning into a mountain. Avoid signing any new contracts or agreements. Avoid giving any loans without a proper check and re-check. Avoid any exchange without any proper background check. Overall, a challenging time-period. But with efforts and discernment valuable lessons can be learnt.
Pisces Ascendant
For Pisces Ascendants, Venus rules 3rd house and 8th house while transiting in fifth house of education, children, entertainment, sports and romance. Primarily Venus is not benefic for Pisces ascendant however transit in the fifth house is favorable for them. There may be benefits from the entertainment field or social media like youtube, etc. Benefits from stock market may also be reaped. There may be the fair share of challenges for these ascendants as Venus is not naturally benefic for them however this is over-all a good time-period for them.
Srishti Sharma,
Wellness Astrologer
Loved reading about my ascendant in Capricorn- so accurate! 😍🧘🏼♀️❤️ True love this summer, here I come xx